Wednesday 18 January 2012

Gold Cape Spun Entirely by Spiders

This golden cape is currently on show at the V& A and the amazing thing about it is, it's made entirely from spider silk. It took 1.4 million Golden Orb spiders.

Now this bit is weird....apparently you can't feel spider silk. Here is an excerpt from the Observer magazine this weekend,

 "The cloak has one especially appealing feature. 'It's like an  invisibility cloak', says Godley ( the man behind the creation) 'because you can't feel spider silk'. I test this by holding my palms out, eyes closed. When asked whether either or both hands hold part of the cape, I can't tell."

How mad is that?

I know it is completley irrational, but the thought of wearing something created by spiders just makes my skin crawl. Gold coloured or not.